Impact Series

I'm starting a series of posts called "Impact." It's about how people, no matter big or small their role may have seemed, have impacted me, for the positive and/or negative. It's about me trying to figure out how I can take these experiences and turn them into lessons that I, and hopefully others, can learn from and learn how to impact other people for good. As a current instructional aide and a future educator, the way I make other people feel is important to me. Writing all of this down helps  me realize just how much people impact my life, and make a difference. I want to show this to others, and to myself. This is all part of my journey of perspicacity--understanding the world around me. The posts won't all be consecutive, so I will link them here, in chronological order.

Remember: people won't always remember what you say, what you do, but they will remember how you made them feel.

Impact in the Cafeteria

Impact in the...Cafeteria? Part Deux

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